Thank you for the great welcome for my latest pattern, the Little Seagull Shawl (pictured above). You may remember I wrote about it in my last post; it's a quick one-skein knit which is great for lightweight summer knitting. The pattern alternates sections where you have to pay some attention and sections where you don't. I put together a little collage of some of the shawls knit by my test knitters:

I think they did a fantastic job. (By the way, that's Dubai in the bottom right photo!)
I did have plans to release some more patterns this month, but I became quite busy with other knitting. I sometimes knit samples for Yarn Vibes, an Irish yarn business based in Cork, who have been very supportive of me as a designer. They are actually going to have lots of their patterns published in Woman's Way (an Irish women's magazine), and they needed some new samples in their latest yarn. So I have been busy knitting hats, jumpers, shawls, socks - lots of different items! I really enjoy the knitting, but it means that my own designs have to be parked for the moment. But I still have all those ideas percolating, and will have lots more coming out in plenty of time for winter!
In the meantime, why not check out the sale I am running on lots of different products - all neck accessories, knit kits and headbands, and quite a lot of hats too!