Hello everyone,

I can hardly believe it's been so long since I last posted. Mostly this has been because I've been having IT difficulties uploading content, so fingers crossed it works this time.

But also, there has been the small matter of being part of a global lockdown. Ireland has been fortunate in not having as widespread an outbreak as in some other places, and also fortunate to have locked down early. Most businesses have now re-opened to some extent, but I think it's fair to say that people in general are very cautious in returning to 'normality'. 

I was very fortunate in that I live in a part of Galway which has lots of green spaces, I have a family and pets that impose a daily routine, and I was able to continue in my much-loved favourite hobby, knitting : )

I came up with a new pattern for a knit bag, the Aran Shopper, which I want to work a little more on to be certain it is error-free before I publish it. So watch this space!

I have another two hat patterns which I am finding difficult to find motivation for actually writing them up, but I hope to release them this Autumn. 

In the meantime, please enjoy this photo of gorse, while I figure out how to upload some more photos!